
Every business has its challenges, but we’re dedicated to ensuring that your technology isn’t one of them

Apple device management solutions

You know how some ‘niggles’ start off small, easily ignored… until they can’t be, while others are so massive that when they hit like a juggernaut, they can spin the whole organisation into disarray. Well, here at nDuo we want you to consider us to be the niggle-busters of the Apple device management world. If you have an issue, problem or challenge we’ll solve it for you (heroic fanfare optional).

Yes, we’re pretty confident, but a decade working with hundreds of lovely clients gives us reason to be.

If you recognise any of the challenges below, we’re here to help

1. We need to manage complex security and compliance requirements

We know just how tough it can be to comply with all the rules and regulations some industries demand, so we’re here to help if:

  • Your business has grown to a point where official compliance is now required
  • An important client insists on you being regulated
  • A system review fails to impress a new investor
  • You are launching a new financial services business
  • Due diligence identified a security weakness
  • You’ve had a security breach


2. We need to automate our regulatory system updates

Update rollouts to all your Apple devices should be a breeze, but if set-up or access issues are holding you back or preventing automation, we know you’ll need a quick solution. Partnerships, profits or system vulnerabilities may be at stake if:

  • An audit finds that you can’t get all the information you need
  • A change of management, merger or acquisition triggers a system review
  • You’ve outgrown your old system
  • Your systems are found to be unfit for purpose

3. We need to improve our asset visibility, tracking and management

An inefficient or clunky Mac mobile device management system can add hours to even the simplest of tasks as you struggle to work around its weaknesses and failings. The last straw is reached when:

  • Discrepancies are found in a device audit
  • Detailed device information is missing
  • You’re scaling, but cannot get clear visibility on what you currently have
  • Your management system will not let you deploy new applications across all Apple devices
  • You’re asked how many staff-owned machines have access to company data and applications, and you cannot answer with certainty

4. We need to deploy/install at speed and at scale

Rapid growth requires a scalable Mobile Device Management (MDM) system that can handle greater workflow with ease. Something you’ll need if:

  • A sizable new client is won or the release of a new product springboards demand
  • Investment provides the funds for rapid growth and investor expectations require it
  • A merger or acquisition creates both the funds and drive to scale up

5. We need to upgrade our user experience to the gold standard

Many organisations care deeply about their reputation, and the way their staff feel about the technology they use at work is a big part of this – the easier and more intuitive the better. The alternative could mean:

  • Staff complaining about the length of time it takes to perform common tasks
  • Exit interviews revealing that it’s your system issues that have led to retention problems
  • Compatibility issues between systems impacting on client work or reliability
  • Productivity starting to fall
  • Reputational challenges making it more difficult to attract talent

6. We need a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution that’s more fit for the purpose

Recurring challenges, Apple device management letting you down, poor access and automation options. Essentially, if your MDM is not fit for purpose you may have noticed:

  • Projects being held up by system limitations
  • Poor initial set-up creating incompatibility, accuracy and reliability issues
  • Ill-considered, overly complex solutions deployed too quickly causing more problems than they solve

7. We need a more unified system as ours is too fragmented

Have you created an IT monster – a system made up of many parts, each bolted on to serve a unique task as the business has grown, though never quite working in unison or to full potential all the time, risking:

  • The domino effect of a small cross communication error causing a cascade of challenges
  • Productivity issues created by missing or inactive features
  • Delays and costs incurred from individual system management rather than unified support

For all of your Apple mobile device
management needs, there’s nDuo

Get a free consultation